Tuesday, May 22, 2012

North Shore Polo

We headed up to the North Shore for our yearly Polo match. As usual not much polo watching but lots of fun a beautiful scenery to enjoy while the kids ran around. Matt got a kite to play with, we visited some horses, played in Auntie Steph's car and tossed some balls around and sat and relaxed for a few minutes too. All in all a great Sunday. It made it even better that the kids fell asleep on the way home and we opted to give them sponge baths instead of actual baths so they would stay asleep and Matt and I had a dinner by ourselves. The kids slept all night. New bedtime might be 6;).

Hiking to the falls

Since the kids have proven to be great hikers we have been going quite frequently. As long as we take them on "tree hikes" which means jungle and interesting scenery they are happy and so are we.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Movie day- Zack's first!

A few weeks ago we went to see Chimpanzee. It was Zack's first movie theater experience so we had to go all out. Hot dogs, popcorn and junior mints. Everyone really enjoyed the movie. The chimps were so cute. They reminded me of the kids wrestling. It was a perfect length that made for a perfect afternoon.

Sick day

Abby was sick a while ago so we made the best if the day and headed over to Aulani- just the two of us. We got to float in the lazy river, play in the water and eat lunch by the pool. I loved my day with my little Abs.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

There is absolutely no doubt that I am one lucky mamma!  I feel very fortunate to have healthy happy kids and a wonderful husband.   Matt organized out second annual mother's day brunch at our place cooked a great brunch for us all. 
the kids helping out too
 I got showered with the best gifts.  Abby was told at school that she was supposed to hide the flower pot she made for me and keeps putting in the closet:).  Zack's sitter, Sofia, made a frame of my little guy and the kids ( with the help of Matt) made me cards- the most important gift. And I got a new mug:).
 After a great breakfast we played all day long in the pool and the guys took the kids up so the moms could relax by the pool during nap time.
Abby & Mommy
 Tanya, our newest mom, came with baby Noah and we all stole some time with him!
 He is so cute!!!

Brooke & Abby
 The kids celebrating their fabulous moms with cupcakes:)
  Happy Mother's day to all of my favorite moms- especially my own. xoxo

Concert at Ko Olina

There was a huge concert stage being built on the beach this week and they were keeping the performers a secret so we figured something pretty exciting was happening.  We packed up the kids and chairs and headed down to the beach for the mystery concert. 
 It turns out that there was a big company week long event. Fast Enterprises (who we all decided we wanted to work for without even having a clue what they do), put on a major party for their employees including the concert on the beach.  It was a beautiful sunset and a we reaped the benefits of the company fortune.
 The performers were Gavin DeGraw and Lifehouse.   We realized we new tons more songs than we thought.

 The kids even got into the music and had fun watching the show.
 After the show, they finished with a amazing firework show.  We were all a pleasantly surprised when the finale lit up the sky instead of another song.