Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Our little 2 year-old is growing up so much everyday.  She is so much fun and talking so much.  Her little Abbyisms crack us up.  Matt and I have been talking forever about her little comments that we need to make a list of so here is what we came up with the other day as we were driving to visit Great Grandmom.

Here are some of her latest comments:
*Too yucky- it is not just yucky, but too yucky
*When she misses someone she says, More ____, most often more daddy!
*She has a flare for the dramatics and when you tell her something she often gives a courtesy,  "ohhh-ohhh" she can make you feel very interesting!
* When she talks about size, everything is in comparison to "big" and "baby"
* She says OH NO!!!  to everything...again very dramatic!
* Her version of "Pick me up" is "me me up" which sounds like Beam Me Up. This phrase has not developed form her early days of talking.
*She has picked up on quite a few conversational pieces:
-Wow, big house
-How fun, so fun etc...
*She has started declaring her moods: "Abby's so happy"- seriously I almost teared up the first time I heard this because there is not much more I want than for my babies to be happy (and healthy).  The other day she said,  "Abby's sad" in a grumpy voice and then pouted and then laughed..have I mentioned she is dramatic yet?!
* She asks, "How ya doing?"
* Brrrr! - she shakes her face and shivers when she says it...Our fault we kind of taught it to her:)
* She will start to fake cry or whine for something and we call her on it by telling her, "That's fake" she looks away and stops...she knows she is a faker but I still have a feeling I have along road ahead of me with this one:).
* She loves her little brother and she will play with him by making faces and talking to him, "A boo, boo, boo".  At night it is so cute- she will kiss him and say goodnight brother:).
* Ta- da!  Auntie Casey and Uncle Rob taught her how to ta-da with hands up in the air and al when she does something fabulous, which is often when you are a two year old around all your grandparents:)
* mines- ughh!  She is a local Waianae girl:(

Some other fun things are her recent love of dancing and singing...I think this is pretty typical 2 year-old behavior but still so precious to see!  Can't wait or ballet class:)

The Best Presents!!!

Marianne and Bill went all out for Christmas and got tickets to the Eagles game for the boys and spa days for the girls.  We were all so excited!

The moms headed out around 1:30 for our afternoon at the spa while the boys hung out at home (Abby slept the whole time) and got ready for their trip to freezing cold Philly for the game.  I was so relaxed after the spa...such an awesome gift!!!
The boys feeding z, who now eats so much finger food he is shunning bottles and is turning into such a big boy!

Enjoying the Eagles game!
 After the spa we swapped the kids as the boys headed out to Philly.  We had a nice dinner and watched Toy Story 3.  Abby snuggled with her grandmas and really enjoyed the movie.  It was fun to see her grasp some of the plot and get excited about the characters.  I got two pair of socks for Christmas and Abby is wearing a different pair in each picture:).

After the movie Abby went to bed we relaxed and watched the game on TV.

Happy Anniversary!

Since our parents share the same anniversary, December 28, they had arranged the trip to include this special day.  We had planned to go out to dinner on the 28th but when the Eagles' game got rescheduled we had to do dinner the previous evening.

We ate dinner at Benihanas which is always a treat!  The kids did great and had bellies full of rice when we left.  We got some sake to start off the evening right and Abby, the very impressionable 2 year-old,  wanted some too.  Matt put water in  a sake glass to make her feel like she fit in, which was cute until she started requesting, "more sake, more sake".  We had to reassure everyone else that is was just water.
 We are very fortunate to have great role models of marriage and look forward to following in their footsteps. 

Hanging with the Rossellos-to-be

Matt and Amy came to visit the kids (and us) over at the Martin household.  I brought Abby down form her nap and she said Eeemy (Amy) and Matt!  She loves them and so was excited to see them!

Matt is the best man in their wedding in June is already scoring big points with the bride.  He convinced Matt to shave off his beard and Amy is thrilled. 

 We headed out for pizza and some beers with Matt and Any and my parents that evening and the kids got to stay home with G & G Martin.  The next day we visited the Rosello house again to see Matt's parents and give them a chance to hang with the kiddos.  Marcia teaches pre-school and was so good with the kids!  Ryan and Jackie also came to visit with Greyson (17 months).  It was great to have the kids play together and catch up with the adults as much as possible

Jumping is so much fun!

Amy playing with Abby and Grey

Trivial Pursuit

After a great Christmas day at home we headed over to the Rossello's house for the annual trivial pursuit game (I think I heard it was the 30th).  The Rossellos love throwing a good party and it is always a great time.  Matt has been on the winning team quite a few times and was hoping to beat the record this year but no luck.  I, on the other hand, always lose but at least I answered a few questions correctly...yay me!

The highlight this year was catching up with everyone and hearing about wedding plans and life in general.      All the guys who are in town from high school always make it over for the game and it is fun to see how everyone is.  Matt ( who shave his No Shave November beard the following day) and Wes just recently got engaged and Ryan and Matt have kids and Shawn is close behind.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Day Times 2

We had our first Christmas in Hawaii on Saturday, the day we left for Pennsylvania.  Abby was so excited when she came downstairs and saw all of the presents.  Zack was still pretty indifferent about seeing the presents but liked opening them.  We opened gifts and had a mini celebration at home with the four of us and then packed and got ready for our big vacation.

Checking out the planes en route to PA...they were excited!

Christmas in PA was AMAZING!  We all decided on Christmas Eve to get up by 8 to open presents and everyone was up and ready to go on time!  Luckily, Abby slept in until just before 8 so we didn't have to hold her off.  Marianne and Bill totally outdid themselves this year.  Everyone did a wonderful job picking out special gifts for everybody.  The kids have more toys than I ever thought possible and are having a blast (and making a mess) playing with them.  Some favs include a Dora doll house, guitar, lifelike monkey to feed, harmonizing animals and a harmonica.

 We had another fantastic turkey dinner with all the fixings in the afternoon and just spent a really nice day eating, playing with new toys and hanging out with the family- all 10 of us.

 It was so amazing that it just felt so normal and easy to have everyone together.  I feel extremely lucky to have had my whole (Martin and Hughes) family together to enjoy the holidays.  The kids are in heaven to have all their grandparents and Uncle Rob and Aunt Casey to spoil them like crazy!
Enjoying some quality time

 Abby had a blast running around while everyone was playing badminton.

Walking with grandmas

Having  heart-to-heart

Christmas Card 2010

Merry Christmas 2010!  I sent our cards out but wanted to post it also so now I have a copy:)
We had our pictures taken by a local photographer and shared the session with the Buelows.  Click here to see some of the other pictures from the day.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas

The Martin family has many great traditions on Christmas Eve. We were so happy to take part in the festivities this year and it was so much fun to have my parents in town to experience all the fun!

The festivities all begin around 3:00 when we scurry around and finish getting ready to head out to 4:00 mass ( actually Marianne begins cooking and preparing way earlier to be fair!). We all were in the cars by 3:15 but not before we could snap a quick family photo on our way out the door. I was so impressed with this photo for a few reasons:
1. My family (minus Andy:( ) and Matt's family are together for Christmas in Pennsylvania!
2. I asked everyone about 1 minute before we were out the door to stop and take a pictures and everyone was very accommodating. I am so thankful for two easy going families!
3. The picture turned out pretty good for a self timer pic- I LOVE my new camera!
4. Above all I just think it captures the family pretty well!
A quick family photo outside..poor Zack's pants keep riding up no matter how big I get them:(

We always go to the children's mass. It is really fun with the kids singing and it is pretty laid back. We got there about 30 minutes early and showed Abby and Zack the nativity scene and walked around a little to avoid getting too antsy. As soon as the music began Abby look around and said, "It's singing time and started singing! We were laughing hysterically because she had never done anything like this before. I looked at Grandma Martin to find out if I should silence her since people were turning around and looking and laughing-she was so loud!
I finally had to take a video because it was so amazing that she just kept on singing every time music came on and then she would be perfectly funny!

After church we had the traditional and always fabulous lobster, french fries and peas dinner. I love big family gatherings and it was so fun to have everyone together at the dinner table.

The munchkins working off the holiday meals by wrestling!
Casey and Rob decide that they would give bathing the kids a try and pulled it off with out a hitch! The kids absolutely love them and enjoy every second they get to spend having fun with Uncle Rob and Auntie Casey.

Santa sent a special message to Abby and she got to watch it a few times before bed. He knew that she had been a very good girls this year and was always sure to mind her parents and doing a great job making tinkles on the potty.

Grandpa Martin doing one of many loads of dishes...many thanks!!!!

Snuggle time with Auntie

He is pulling himself up on everything these days a
Marianne always gets ornaments for whoever is home for the year (even though since I started dating Matt she has vowed to stop) and they are always the hit of Christmas. She finds the best ornaments that represent special events for the year and are always so meaningful.
Casey and Rob opening their ornaments on Christmas Eve

Grandpa with most of his girls

Casey and rob dancing with Abby
Every year Matt's dad has read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas but now that Matt has the kids he is in charge of reading it. Of course the Martin family could not let him read it without cracking jokes:).
To top off the evening I thought it would be fun to put out cookies for Santa...WRONG! Instead of leaving them for Santa, Abby wanted the cookies and would not be persuaded to leave them in exchange for presents since all she wanted for Christmas was treats. I just had to take a crying 2 year-old to bed. This picture is before I told he she had to leave them:(
Putting our cookies for Santa
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Snow Tubing

We have been wanting to take Abby to see snow and planned on going before my parents big surprise but it worked out even better that they were here to go with us.  We raided Marianne's snow gear and she had more that enough for us all to brave the cold except for Abby who borrowed and outfit from Brooke in Hawaii.  Ski Round top is only about 30 minutes away from Matt's family's house and has a snow tubing area.

We took two cars up and got an hour pass to tube away.  Once we got there we were told that the big hill was for 5 and older and like the diligent rule followers that we are we promptly took Abby up the lift and put her down the hill before they could stop us.  As soon as she  started down the hill they radioed down to check the girl on lane two because she looked too young:).  Abby didn't want to wear her gloves and was pretty much done after one big and a few baby runs any way.  Grandma Martin and Abby headed in to enjoy the lodge,  drink hot chocolate and eat french fries but not before Grandma go a few good runs in herself.
Rob and Casey get ready for the big adeventures

Grandma Lori and Abby

Rob and Grandpa getting Abby dressed

Snow bunny!

Snuggling up in the cold

on our way up

ready to go down:)

She loved it!

Dad and I after tandem snow tubing

Racing in 4 lanes: Casey, Rob, Matt and Dad

Casey and Matt fighting hard for the finish

The final run we went all together