Sunday, February 28, 2010

Zack's Room

Yesterday, as we were leaving the house, I wasn't sure what condition the nursery would be in when we returned so I took pictures to remember it just in case. I have been meaning to post some pictures of it for a while so now I have them. Thanks grandma and Grandpa Martin for the crib. We love it! Zack definitely has the nicest furniture in the house!

When I had no idea what to do for the nursery, Heidi gave me the idea to keep the islands that Matt made in the room and things kind of just started rolling from there. I found a local lady to make the custom bedding ( and drapes. It is not completely done yet but I am happy with where it is going so far. I can't believe we will have another little one soon! It is starting to hit me...5 weeks left:).

Tsunami Watch (and wait and wait) 2010

We woke up at 2:30 on Saturday morning to a text warning us of the imminent tsunami due to the earthquake in Chile. We weren't quite sure what to make of it but checked the Internet and realized that neither of us had gas. Matt took my car to get filled up around 3 and it took at least 30 minutes for him to get back from the gas station that is a minute away. There was already a line in the main road to get gas and stock up. We realized that we should probably start packing our stuff and plan to get to higher ground.

We took our time and grabbed clothes, food and I made sure to get all of my picture CDs. Other than that I figured the rest is replaceable. It is weird leaving your house though and wondering what you might be coming back to, if anything.

Luckily, we have three great friends in Makakilo (up in the hills) so all of us at lower elevation were able to shack up with them for the day. Since we had Jack, we needed a dog friendly house. We camped out at the Buelow's house from 6 in the morning. There were a total 10 adults, 4 kids and 4 dogs. I think Claud and Leevi had close to the same. Thanks a billion Buelow's for letting us crash and as always being great hosts!

We made breakfast and lunch and waited it out. Nothing much happened, despite the drama that Guy Hagi, the newscaster, tried to create. Finally, around 2 they called the watch off and opened the roads for us to get home.

Although we were not looking forward to unpacking everything that was in the car we were thankful we had a place to put it still. Unfortunately, as we were leaving Matt, who had not been feeling very good all day, got sick. Added to the exhaustion of being up since 2:30a.m. we were ready to get home and get to bed. Thankfully, we had Sunday to unpack and get ready for another week. Thank goodness it is a short one!

Steph and Lis making breakfast...thanks!

The Munchkins digging in.


Abby playing backgammon with daddy and Uncle Mark

Wannabe Mannequinn

We went shopping at Old Navy after an attempt to go to a Border's birthday party for Elmo. The birthday party wasn't much to speak of. They needed some teacher organization in there for sure but the shopping trip was a success:).

Abby liked the Mannequins the best.

Waikiki & Chuck E. Cheese

Last weekend when Matt was sick, Abby and I met my friend Laura from high school in Waikiki. We spent the day hanging out on the beach in front of their hotel. It was a perfect day to sit in the sun with a nice breeze and warm temperature. It was so good to catch up with Laura and see her little ones, Kate and Jack. We are hoping this is an annual trip!

Later in the day we had our first trip to Chuck E. Cheese for Hailey's 4th birthday. Hailey had a blast and was totally enjoying her special day. Abby tried a few rides and even got to go driving with Gavin.

We had lots of pizza and watched the birthday show..we think this is how 9 of us ended up sick later in the week:(


It has been a very long week! First of all, we had to start off the week with short weekend (only 2 days). We have been spoiled with our furlough Friday weeks and weekends and it is hard to adjust back to a normal working week. Matt was sick last weekend with some kind of a head and chest cold but finally recovered on Tuesday. Just in time for me to get the mean stomach bug that has been invading our circle of friends. I was pretty much out all day Thursday and although I went to work on Friday I was still pretty weak. Early Saturday morning (2:30 a.m.) we were woken up by a text from our good friend letting us know about the tsunamai warning since we are right on the water (More about this later). We never went back to sleep and needless to say we were exhausted. We both ended up sick again by the end of the day. Matt was definitely worse and is still lingering but I hope I have finally beat it!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Great Aloha Run

We decided to the Great Aloha Run this year. It had been 6 years since the first time we did it. I intended to walk it all then and Matt convinced met o run..the WHOLE thing. This time, 7 months pregnant there wasn't a chance!

We got up at 4:30 and were out the door by 4:45. The race started officially at 7 but I don't think we crossed the start line until 7:30. There were tons of people and all the runners got started first. We finished 8.16 miles in 2:20. We all felt pretty good after the race. It was nice to get out and walk and see all the people.

Abby did great! She slept for the first couple of mile and then did a lot of people watching, Finally, about mile 6 she was ready to be out of the stroller. Matt carried her for the last half of mile six and then she went back in the stroller happily.

Maybe the rest of the Hawaii crew will join us next year:).

Abby and Jackson

We got to have Jackson for the day while Heidi recovered from being in the hospital all week. Thankfully, she is home now and recovering. Form the back it looked like we had twins. They both have curly hair and are about the same height. It was definitely a learning experience to get 2 kids showered, changed and out in the car along with all the other beach stuff we had but I think we managed pretty well. Luckily, they were both wonderful and made it pretty painless for us. I think it might have given us some false hope about how it will actually be with two kids.

Playing at the Beach

Snack Time

Play Time- We put them in matching outfits

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a great Valentine's day! Matt made heart shaped, pink pancakes for breakfast, which were delicious. After I picked up Jackson, we met the Hoffman's at the beach for some fun in the sun. This is the first time Abby has been to the beach as a "walker" ans she loved it. She was walking all over and rolling in the sand and just having a blast. It was really cute to watch her and Matt play. I didn't get my camera out in time to get pictures of all 3 kids but her are some of Abby, the sand monster.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Early Valentine's Day Celebration

We have a four day weekend thanks to our 11th furlough Friday and President's day on Monday. Monica offered to watch Abby for us Friday evening and we took full advantage and decided to make it our Valentine's day. Matt got Abby an Elmo chair and I got a diamond necklace! We both LOVE our gifts. Matt got a bag of M&M's...and lots of love from his girls:).

Matt and I dropped Abby off around 6 and headed downtown. We made sure to brew some coffee beforehand to make sure we made it through the evening since we normally eat at 5:30 and are asleep by 9 (if not earlier these days). We had a wonderful dinner at PF Chang's and even went to movie afterward. It was really nice to get out on a Friday night and spend some quality time together.

Happy Valentine's Day! XOXO

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Beach Days

We have finally gotten to the beach a couple times in the last few weeks. Abby and I went to the beach by our house and to KoOlina when Matt was working on the room and this weekend the 3 of us spent some time at KoOlina. Abby is enjoying her new found freedom as she can walk all over the place. She isn't too fast yet so we can pretty much sit and watch her roam..not for long though I am sure.

Hiking Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail

Matt, Abby and I ventured off to the east side of the island to do some light hiking..or so we thought. We wanted to try out the backpack carrier for Abby and we thought this would be a good trail. It was really nice but hot and we forgot the backpack carrier (go figure) so Matt had to carry Abby up. It ended up working out just fine and we were very proud of ourselves that we were passing people left and right... Nobody passed us even with me being pregnant and Matt with Abby.