Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Birthday Circuit

Both kids have been making friends at school and seem to be fitting in just fine.  About a month ago we got our first birthday invite from a little boy in Zack's class.  Abby was a little sad that it wasn't one of her friends but was relieved that she could at least go to the party too, which meant she got cake and treats so she was ok.  The following week, Abby got a white envelope in her mailbox and when I handed it to her she literally squealed, "I GOT INVITED TO A BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!" 
So, we had 2 parties 2 weeks in a row and it was great to meet some other families with kids and see our kids play with their school friends.
Abby delighted to get her face painted and "lipstick"
Pinatas were never a big thing in Hawaii so the kids were really excited to get a turn to hit the pinata and go diving for candy.  They seemed to figure it out very quickly.

Abby's friend's party had the tars of Tangled make a guest appearance and the little girls were in heaven.

And more pinatas...

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