Saturday, November 14, 2015

April 2015

The kids created an obstacle course with the couch.   Unbelievably, there were no injuries or drama. 

Momma and Z getting ready to start the day.

My love bugs:)

Happy hour with Dee and Angie after the Deeper Learning conference.  

Matt sent this picture from his travels in Europe...frolicking in the wild flowers.

Vegging on the weekend.

Diana and I went to a Learning Spaces conference at Harvard. It was very cool to be on the campus and explore Harvard yard.

Love this kid and he loves baseball and legos.

More neighborhood shenanigans.

April was a BUSY month!  I also got to catch up with Steph in Chicago for the AERA conference.  We had a blast and learned a lot too!

And got to see the Padres and the Cubs at Wrigley.  So much fun even though the Padres didn't win.

We hit up the Earth fair in Balboa Park where Matt's students were selling their soap.

Made and lunched some rockets.

Matt's team won the championship.

Good thing I took lots of pictures.  I never would have remembered half of this:).

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