Tuesday, November 25, 2014

October Highlights

Looking through my October pictures, I am reminded why I take so many pictures and blog...so I can remember what we do.  I had already forgotten about so many things that happened in October and love sorting through the pictures and memories.  It was a packed month so here are the highlights without Halloween festivities.

Z turned 4 1/2 and got a little treat to celebrate:).

These two boys captured my attention at Abby's soccer game.  They are too cute!

Hanging out at Miramar Lake.

My mom brought out the old Casio keyboard

A sunset view from the Court.

Zack, Ava Jane & Abby

Just hanging around...

My adorable pirate:)

Budding artists

We took the kids up to Buena Park  to watch a Pirate Show.  It was really fun and they loved it!

Abby climbing with Ava Jane ( it you haven't picked up on the theme here....they don't do much apart these days!) - her favorite thing to do after school

We got our yearly Chargers game in and were able to take Zack.  It was really fun to take hi to the game and see him so excited.

My dad and his dealership were shooting a promo video with Phil's BBQ.  I happily headed down to Mission Bay to have lunch that they were making for the video.  It was actually my first time EVER eating Phil's BBQ and I was fortunate enough to have Phil himself cook it up and I got to chat with him over lunch.

A hike out in the ranch after school/ work on afternoon.

Silly string...no description needed:)

More of October fun to come with the Halloween festivities!

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