Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Pennsylvania Farm Show

I  think Matt has been telling me about the Farm Show since my first visit to PA.  He has such fond memories of going with his family and was really excited to take us (we even extended our trip for it!)  It certainly was an event!  We saw lots of tracters and farm equipment that the kids loved.

One of the major attractions is the food court.  We enjoyed milk shakes, deep fried cheese, grilled cheese and lots of other treats.

We saw BIG pigs and cows ans bulls, and chicks and bunnies and every other farm animal possible.  As you imagine there was lots of animal poop and as I was reminding the kids to look out I felt my foot seep into a large pile...AHHH farm life:)

Yup, that is a BUTTER sculpture:)  Amazing!

We met some beautiful horses

The kids were intrigued by the stadium seating and had to climb to the top.

Enjoying quality time with Grandpa Martin

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